Coleen Black

Coleen Black
Mobile Notary Public
1661 Foster Dr
Reno, NV 59509
United States

Telephone: 562-761-1611

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Notary Services

Experienced Professional Notary. Knowledgeable and Customer Friendly. Proficient in all kinds of Loan Docs. I am NNA Certified and fidelity Approved. I also notarize Wills, Deeds, Trusts, Power of Attorney, Affidavits and various other documents. I am Prompt and Dependable..your time is important. I am available 24/7 Will travel to Hospitals/Nursing Homes. E&O insured ($500,000) I am your Go To Notary in the Reno area! I service Carson City, Douglas, Pershing, Storey and Washoe counties.

Coverage Areas in Nevada

Carson City, Douglas, Pershing, Storey, Washoe